Monday, October 12, 2009

Your Plant Guides and the Outer Temple

Plant Guides (adapted from Christopher Penczack's Shamanic Temple of Witchcraft)

Communicating with a plant is the first step in building a spirit medicine relation­ship with it. Working with living plants in the Middle World, at least initially, can be easier. As you develop your skills, you can repeat this exercise, journeying in the Mid­dle World to find plants that are not growing near you, or visiting the worlds above and below for different otherworldly plant spirits.
Plant Spirit Communication
1. Find a plant with which you wish to communicate. I suggest a plant out­doors and in the wild, but houseplants and cultivated gardens work well too. Simply choose a plant that speaks to you in this moment. You will be drawn to the plant ally that is right for you.

2. Sit or lie down near the plant and get comfortable. You can assume a shamanic trance posture if you desire.

3. Start Exercise 1: Entering a Meditative State to get into your magickal mind­set. You could even do Exercise 6: Tree Breathing to get your energy flow­ing. You could also cast a circle around yourself and the plant, but it's not necessary.

4. Ask to connect to the consciousness of the plant. You can ask for the deva, nature spirit, faery, or any form you feel is appropriate for you. I simply ask for the plant spirit ally and let it take whatever form it desires. I call upon my higher self and spirit guides to aid the process. Sometimes another guide will facilitate the experience to make it clearer or to prevent the energy from being overwhelming.

5. Feel your energy mingle with that of the plant. Feel the boundaries between you and the plant dissolve away, giving you both access to exchange informa­tion. Feel the plant's presence and personality. Each plant will feel different.

6. Ask your plant any questions you have about its spirit medicine, powers, and abilities. Ask how you can best partner with it, and if indeed it does want to partner with you. Don't assume that it does. Allow the information to come to you in whatever way is appropriate. You will find that just as some people are more visual, auditory, or sensory, some plants have their own affinities. Some communicate primarily through one sense.

7. When done, thank the plant spirit for this time. Some witches leave an of­fering, as they would for a harvesting ritual. Return yourself to normal con­sciousness. Ground yourself and close the space as needed. Immediately record your impressions in your Book of Shadows for future study.

Different aspects of the plant spirit can give you different kinds of information. Usu­ally the nature spirit of the Middle World will give you more practical and medicinal information. The higher spirit or Deva will give more spiritual information, while the lower spirits or faery guardians have a variety of lore, and sometimes teach through riddle and story. You may be personally "keyed in" to one of the three realms more than the others. Honor your connection, and listen to its wisdom.
Though most "traditional" books on the craft focus exclusively on European herbs, as a witch living in the Northeast of the United States, I like to work with the plant medicine of species that grow in my area as well as traditional witch herbs. Explore your own environment and see what is available to you.

When talking herbs, it's important to discuss the use of them outdoors. We went over some common sense guidelines on using altars outdoors.

homework this week was to construct an outdoor altar and journal about it, then share the pros, cons and spiritual implications in class.

Herbology 101

We begin our nature arc with a discussion about herbology and different correspondences thereof.

Herbology 101

Herb applies to a wide range of plants, including: grasses, trees, shrubs, weeds, roots, barks, and the flowers of any plant used for healing, magic spells and rituals, witchcraft, Wicca, or other purposes. Resins are concentrated, partially dehydrated derivatives of the liquid or sap of trees and plants and are commonly used in the same manner as herbs. Animal products like musk and ambergris are used similarly to resins and herbs, but primarily for their scents.
Herbs and their by-products have been used for thousands of years by humans and other animals for healing. Even lower life forms are familiar with the benefits gained through the ingestion or application of certain plants. Likewise with the magical aspects of herbs, only this use is limited to humans. For thousands of years humans have used herbs and herbal concoctions for with the intent of altering their world.
Herbs have many possible uses:

Charms and Sachets

And that's only to name a few. The magickal correspondences associated with herbs and their kin are almost limitless, but some are virtually universal and have powerful medicinal uses. The most important part of working with a plant is to forge a relationship with it. You wouldn't ask a stranger for a favor, would you? If a stranger approached you and asked you to help him lower his blood pressure, I doubt you would go very far out of your way for him. Respect the herb in question. Meditate with it. Go on an astral journey with it, ask it to show you its benefits and dangers. Make nice. Ask the plant for its wisdom—you may be surprised at what you'll find. The following page has a few correspondences that are common with a few herbs often used in magick and holistic healing.

Angelica: Protects from evil.
Ash (wood): Invincibility.
Balm Melissa: All healing. It's reputed to repel illness.
Betony: Protection against evil spirits.
Borage (flowers): Gives courage.
Bracken: Fern seeds gathered at midsummer are golden and were user to make the wearer invisible and also bring gold.
Briar Rose: Protects from bites of dogs or snakes.
Clover (flowers and leaves): Brings good luck and assists with clairvoyance.
Daisy: Innocence and love.
Dill: Love.
Eglantine (sweet briar): Pleasure.
Elder (use only twigs, do not cut tree): Revered by the Ancients; Elder brings wisdom, joy and delight.
Elm: Childbirth (it is associated with Embla, the first woman in Norse mythology).
Fennel: A sacred herb held in great respect by the Ancients. Wards off evil spirits, bestows strength, courage, and prolongs life.
Harebell: The flower of witches, who used its juice as part of their flying ointment. It is associated with seeing fairies, goblins and earth spirits. It was also thought to bring bad luck..
Hawthorn: Marriage and fertility (not a very attractive smell).
Hay: Pregnancy and fertility.
Hazel (use wood): Sacred in Celtic mythology for fertility and immortality. Wards off rheumatism. This is one of the most popular woods for making sorcerer's wands and dowsing rods.
Heather: Luck.
Honeysuckle: Fidelity and affection. Those who wear it will dream of their own true love.
House Leek (chicks and hens): Keeps evil away and the wearer will never be struck by lightning.
Hyssop (hyacinth): Purifying, cleansing.
Jasmine: Attraction.
Lady's Mantle: For women's problems. Use the pearl of dew that gathers on the leaves at dawn. Causes change in your life, brings luck. Aids spirituality.
Lavender: relaxing and stress relieving.
Lilac: Luck, love.
Lily of the Valley: Counters spells, attracts fairies.
Marjoram: Peace, happiness, joy.

May flowers: The base of the old wild magick. May flowers bring both adventure and chaos into your life.
Mint: Sharpens the mind.
Mistletoe: Energy, fertility, immortality.
Mulberry: Headaches.
Mullein: Asthma, protection from evil.
Nettle: One of the nine sacred herbs of the Anglo Saxons. Protection against demons and evil spells.
Oak : A sacred plant. Protection by the gods, strength, long life.
Onion: Protection against lung illnesses, colds, flu, and the plague, fends off evil spirits.
Orchids: Desire.
Peony wood: A powerful charm against evil.
Poppy: A charm to assist those bewitched into love.
Primrose: Used by the Ancients to see fairies.
Rose: Pure love.
Rosemary: Good memory, friendship, fidelity.
Rue: Luck and protection against the evil eye, freedom.
Saffron: Aphrodisiac.
Sage: Longevity, prosperity (do not cut this plant with metal).
Snowdrop: Used to quicken the passing of sorrow.
Sow Thistle: Increases strength and stamina, repels witches, invisibility from enemies.
St Johns Wort: Considered the most potent of herbs for driving away evil spirits and spells.
Strawberry: Sensuality.
Sweet pea: Good fortune.
Thyme: Relives giddiness and nightmares.
Violet: Love, humility, honesty, virtue.
Walnut: Robs an evil spirit of mobility, repels insects. It is the tree of Jupiter and brings the Gods' blessings.
Wheat: Gaia's blessings, as it contains the spirit of the earth and harvest. Used for growth and fertility.
Willow: To ease sorrow and the loss of a love.
Yew: A sacred tree. Protection against evil. Do not cut the tree, gather only from the ground.

this week's homework is to find and connect to a plant. explain why that plant is so special to you, and bring it to the next class.

Knot Magick

homework for this week was to preform a form of knot magick and share your experiences.

Sympathetic Magick

Sympathetic Magick
Microcosm vs Macrocosm

Sympathetic magick is the ultimate expression of microcosm vs macrocosm. When we talk about correspondences, we are talking about a sympathetic relationship between the object and what it represents. Correspondence is the root of what we use when we talk about sympathetic magick. One thing takes the place of another on the physical plane, but on the astral, it is the same thing or a reflection of the thing you are trying to effect.
An example of this would be poppet magick, or popularly known as Voodoo. The poppet (the microcosm) represents the person (the macrocosm), therefor IS the person, be it yourself or someone else. What one does to the poppet—show it love and decorate it in a desirable image or shove needles through it—will ultimately metaphorically happen to the subject it corresponds with. Ripping a picture apart, friendship bracelets and stereotypical spells requiring hair or nail clippings are all forms of sympathetic magick.
The power of wedding rings, friendship bracelets or other shared jewelry are other forms of sympathetic magick. The thought is that though the objects are separate, they share the same vibration on the astral plane. They are metaphorically and astrally the same object, thus forging a link between the wearers so long as they keep the object close.
You can see how this would be beneficial in magick workings. When looking to change your physical image, draw a picture of how you want to look, however crude or elaborate it may be. Frame it, shower it with compliments, offer it gifts like flowers and healthy libations. When you correspond the picture with yourself, it becomes you. If you act in accord by eating healthy and exercising, astrally you will become the image you are encouraging, and then the physical changes will follow. As above, so below.

we worked with poppets this class, and the homework was to journal the successes and pitfalls of using a poppet for sympathetic magick.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Shielding, Amulets and Talismans

Week twenty-one
Amulets and Talismans

worksheet one
Let's start with Shielding. This is a technique for creating a magical 'force field' around your person or a place, to keep out unwanted energy. This could be psychic 'background noise', nasty astral critters, or magical energy directed at you. Many people do this unconsciously all their lives. Others of us have to learn how. The method I use is to visualize a 'net' of energy around the area to be shielded. Remember to 'see' it in 3D, a sphere rather than a circle. (This is where those visualization exercises come into practical use.) I sometimes use my personal energy to power it, to give it that extra punch. I visualize negative energy being absorbed by my shields and flowing into the earth. ("Ground and Center" here.) I visualize it as porous, though, so that energy I send can pass through. With practice, you will be able to shield yourself instantly, without thinking.

I have found that exhaustion or alcohol quickly erode my ability to shield, so keep this in mind. Once you have shields, there is lots of nifty magic you can do with them. I'll describe some of these in an article for an advanced class.

Warding is a similar technique. I define a Ward as a Shield anchored to a physical place. Instead of using your energy, though, you let Earth energy flow upward to power it. With practice, you can create a stable, Earth-powered shield. This leaves more energy for spell work, or allows you to drop your own shields and recharge. Reinforce the visualization regularly, and it can be permanent, to protect your Circle or home. I tend to anchor wards with physical objects-a stone, carved runes, etc. But it is the visualization that really matters. If the mental image fails, the shield will fail, no matter how many runes you carve.

Occasionally, when going about my daily life, I will feel a 'tickle' at my aura as some kind of psychic energy contacts it. Other times, the hair stands up on the back of my neck, and I quickly raise my shields. And on rarer occasions, I feel a sudden energy drain as my shields (thank the Lady and Lord) go from standby to maximum power before I know what's happened. In these situations there are a few shielding tricks I use. First is the mirror. I visualize the outside of my shields as a perfect mirror, reflecting any energy back to it's source. Next is making the inside of my shields a mirror. I use this to contain any psychic energy I might be emitting, hopefully making myself psychically 'stealthy'. Be very careful with this technique however, or you may never get noticed while it's up! Last is the 'iron wall' or 'stone tower' visualization, changing the thin energy shield into a massive fortress. This requires a lot of power, but when huge waves of negativity are breaking over you, it really helps.

Now on to a few active techniques. If negative energy keeps coming at me, I don't sit back and continue to shield until exhausted. The ancient warriors knew that any purely defensive battle is doomed, if it goes on long enough. Invoking the Lady and Lord is probably the surest and simplest defense. Malevolent entities (whether astral or earthly) tend to avoid the presence of the Deity. In fact, the nastier they are, the faster they run. But like most kids, I don't like bothering Mom and Dad all the time with small problems I've been taught to handle myself. The most basic technique is calling White Fire. This is the Light energy of the universe, the silver-white of the Moon and the fire-white of the Sun, the sum total of the magical Elements. Let it flow in from all around you until you feel like a ball of lightning, then send a directed bolt of it back in the direction the negative energy came from. While the mind alone is all you need to do this, I find my sword/athame is a perfect tool for this. (I feel the Rede does not prohibit self-defense, but that's another article, too.) If this doesn't work, you can still call on the Lady and Lord in their warrior/protector aspects to help you.

Obviously the better you can visualize, the more options you have. If the visual aspect of this escapes you, fret not. If you can't for the life of you imagine a ball of light around you, imagine the feeling of static electricity surrounding you, or a wind blowing the negativity away. Perhaps you can conjure the smell of a rose,bringing calm and dispelling what is not welcome. Go through your senses and see what you can come up with. Be creative!

worksheet two

Amulets and Talismans

Even full-fledged witches do not agree on the exact difference between amulets and talismans. (So much of witchcraft is based on tradition that some rules are a bit blurry.) However, everyone versed in the occult agrees on one thing: Whether they are called amulets or talismans, these objects are basic necessities in the practice of witchcraft. Familiarize yourself with the amulets and talismans mentioned in this section. When linked with an appropriate spell, they greatly increase its strength. However, they can also be used alone, for their magic is powerful.

Almost everyone agrees that amulets are small objects, worn to benefit their owners in some way. Some are used for a specific purpose to prevent colds, bring money, etc. Others simply bring general good luck. Usually, an amulet is placed around the neck. It can be worn as an ordinary necklace or pendant; or it can be put into a small silk or leather bag along with several other amulets if you like. Amulets can be worn anywhere pins, cuff links, etc. For secrecy, they can even be pinned to an undergarment. (A single red garter worn on the left leg and bulging with amulets is a popular witch adornment.) Wherever an amulet is worn, the closer it is to the body, the more powerful its magic.

Talismans are also used to benefit their owners in general or specific ways. Usually they are more complicated affairs than amulets carved or engraved figures, inscriptions in gold, etc. 0 Generally, talismans are not worn. Most often they're carried in a pocket or purse; sometimes they're kept near the object they're intended to benefit, for instance, tacked over a child's bed.

Right now, controversy rages over when an object is an amulet and when it's a talisman. For example, it's undisputed that black agate worn around the neck is an amulet for the protection of travelers. If the agate is engraved with an anchor (lucky for sailors) and carried, it becomes a talisman. However, suppose that same anchor is worn. Is it an amulet or a talisman? The best a beginner can do is forget about what it's called, and get one before climbing on any boats.

The pages that follow list many objects traditionally regarded as good amulets or talismans. The power of each varies from person to person. Keep experimenting until you find the objects that work best for you.

You are not limited to the objects listed here. An amulet or talisman can be made of, and look like anything. The only rule is that the item must give off good vibrations. If you find something that sends waves of well being and peace in your direction, grab it! It's probably the best all around good luck charm for you. PRECIOUS & SEMIPRECIOUS STONE

To generate power, the stones listed below must be authentic, but they needn't be flawless or expensive. Unpolished semiprecious stones are available for a few cents each; un-faceted stones can be bought for a dollar or two. (Rock and craft shops are good places to find these gems.)


Amber beads are a strong protection against rheumatism. In any form, the stone wards off evil spirits, especially from children.


Worn in earrings, it brings love. Worn or carried anywhere else, it brings hope to the oppressed and protects travelers.


Engrave a frog on a piece of beryl and set the stone in gold. Anyone who touches the engraving will find its owner irresistible.


Coral loses its color when a friend is dying. It's also another protector of children.


Worn on the left hand, a diamond repels wild beasts and evil men. It's also a generally lucky gem, and insures fidelity in a lover.


An emerald set in gold helps its owner see into the future. Alone, it strengthens the memory and prevents possession by evil spirits.


This stone brings good health and is a powerful protection against nightmares.


Another protection from nightmares, as well as the bearer of general good fortune.

Lapis Lazuli

Worn as beads, it protects against black magic (as do all blue stones). In any form, it wards off melancholy and insomnia.


If a woman in love places a moonstone in her mouth during the full moon, she can see what the future holds for her and her beloved.


This stone protects a marriage from intruders; however, it can cause friends to quarrel.


While pearls improve the skin, cure fevers and bring tranquility; black pearls carry bad luck.


One of witchcraft's favorite stones, sapphires are reputed to bring peace, happiness, and to protect the eyes.


To cure a chest or rheumatic complaint, wear a topaz around the neck. Worn or carried anyplace else, it helps to locate buried treasure.


To patch up a quarrel between a husband and wife, give either spouse something made of turquoise; it brings peace to married life.



The items below have magic powers because of their shapes or symbolism. (Bear in mind that the animals and insects listed refer to images of these creatures not the real thing!) You may buy any object (hat strikes your fancy However, try to make it and add a little of your own power to it. Unless a material is specified, use any natural substance wax, clay, etc.


A dried acorn is excellent for keeping a youthful appearance. Though not so powerful, an acorn made of silver, copper or gold will do.


A stone arrowhead the older the better is a powerful force against evil spirits. However, a metal arrowhead (or arrow) might bring bad luck if given as a gift.


When cast in silver or gold, the shape of a bee brings success in business.


A beetle made of jet is a strong protection against black magic. Made of any other material, it attracts money to its owner.


Contrary to popular superstition, a black cat is one of the best all around good luck charms known to witchcraft (and has been highly regarded by European sorcerers for centuries).


Generally, any coin that you find brings good luck. A coin with a leap year date is especially lucky and a coin with your birth date on it is dynamite. However, if a coin, with any date, was cursed and deliberately left in your path by an enemy, it can bring bad luck.


Anything egg shaped brings good luck. However, eggs are also a powerful fertility charm; they should not be used indiscriminately.


A fish in any material brings a large family. If cast in gold or mother of pearl, its magic is especially powerful


The shape of a hand, in any material, is another powerful charm against evil spirits.


For general good luck, hang a horseshoe over your bed (with the points down!).


The oak is a sacred tree in witchcraft. (Technically, when you "knock on wood," it should be oak.) Thus, anything in the shape of an oak tree or a piece of oak itself is lucky.


The pig's shape is a potent bearer of fertility. A boar protects its owner from enemies.


An amulet or talisman in the form of a serpent brings long life and wisdom (especially lucky for doctors and teachers).


Indicates that you will helped and assisted


Strong protection


Work, economy


Ruin, misery, and old age



Billy Goat

Bored with everything, great unhappiness


Great joy, happiness


Prison, unforeseen difficulties, constraints


Money, gifts, inheritance


Setbacks, delay








Pregnancy, birth


Great luck, winnings


Complete success


Danger, deceit


Malicious gossip, victimization, deceit




Great joy, delight


Luck, help

Horse-Drawn Coach

Fortune, wealth




Sudden and hasty departure


Winnings from games


Considerable danger


Small gift


Good health and tender love


Beware of betrayal and other treacheries


Sadness, depression


Serious accident


Brutality, violence, danger


Strength, vitality and success at work


Grueling fight




Love is near


Beware of the theft

2 Wedding Rings


1 Wedding Ring





Many amulets and talismans are made from letters or numbers that seem meaningless; however, the figures themselves and the shapes into which they're arranged give off excellent vibrations.

The squares and triangle that follow can be carved on wood or metal and used as talismans. Or, they can be written on paper or cloth and worn in an amulet bag or a locket. For writing, use red ink and add to it a pinch of salt, nutmeg and a drop of your blood.

If you're a city dweller, this is the square for you. Notice that the words read the same backwards and forwards, up and down and sideways. They bring general good luck, and protection from the trials and tribulations of urban living.


The arrangement given below is the most celebrated of letter squares. It also reads the same in every direction. The words are Latin and they make no sense, even when translated. However, their magic is considered very strong.


Inscribed in the usual way, it protects against misfortune and illness. Written in blood on parchment and carried in the left hand, it is said to grant the owner's every whim or desire.

The letters below are arranged according to an ancient Hebrew formula. For general good luck, write them on a round piece of paper. (Written in green ink, the spell protects the eyes.)


Here's a simple little square that uses numbers instead of letters. The numbers add up to 15 a very lucky combination in every direction.

4 3 8
9 5 1
2 7 6

These numbers protect from evil forces generally. However, if you fear a particular enemy, write his name under the numbers. As long as you carry or wear the charm, he will be unable to hurt you or anyone dear to you.

As you can see, there are many ways to go about making amulets and talismans. Many of which have to do with protecting yourself or another. Remember, it's not just the object, but the intention you put into it upon creation. Follow the Silver Rule when it comes to symbols that feel right to you, and follow the Rede when it comes to magick for another.

this week' s homework is to come up with a unique way to shield, as we made talismans in class.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wicca 101 previous lessons

Welcome to Sybil's Wicca 101 class! We have been in session for twenty-one weeks, and our High Priestess has decided to track our progress via class blog. This is a review of where we've come from, and future blogs will note where we're going on our spiritual journey together!

Week One

Intro to Wicca
Getting to Know You

Week Two

The Sacred

Week Three

The Circle
Your Alter

Week Four


Week Five



Week Six


Week Seven

Object projection

Week Eight

Minerva--bringing it all together

Week Nine

The Goddess

Week Ten

The God

Week Eleven

Ki and Body

Week Twelve

The Cone of Power

Week Thirteen

Ki and Mind

Week Fourteen

The Great Wheel

Week Fifteen

The Great Wheel
Journey collage

Week Sixteen

Making Your Own

Week Seventeen

Ritual Tools
Astral Tools

Week Eighteen

Quarterly Review

Week Nineteen

The Witch's Pyramid

Week Twenty

Everyday Spirit
Magickal Events
Gnostic State

Next week is week twenty-one, and we will be continuing our magick lessons with going over amulets and talismans, shielding and protection magick. Last week's homework was to find a way to change some mundane activity into something spiritual--everyday spirit, and to get into a low vibration and high vibration gnostic state. Can't wait to see what everyone has to offer!